Your Ride to
the Island
Operating daily, the CTC ferry provides reliable, convenient transportation for the public.
Schedule And pricing
Tickets for the Ferry must be purchased in advance. Purchase single tickets or Monthly, Annual, and Resident ticket books by clicking below.
Off Season Schedule Effective 10/14/24 - 5/23/2025
Off Season Fares Effective 10/14/2024 - 5/23/2025
Parking and Bus
Visitor Parking
Chebeague Island visitors and seasonal residents park at CTC’s satellite lot just off Route 1 in the Town of Cumberland (use 1 Thomas Drive, Cumberland Foreside, Maine for your gps… our parking lot is directly across Route One from there!). From there, passengers travel by shuttle bus to the CTC dock located on Cousin’s Island. Bus departure times are posted on the schedule. The bus leaves the Cumberland parking lot 30 minutes before the ferry arrives at Cousin’s Island. It is a 15-minute trip.
Passengers needing accommodations because of physical disabilities should call the CTC office, 1-207-846-3700, during regular business hours at least 24 hours in advance of travel.
Passengers who need assistance boarding the ferry should consider the tides on the dates of travel and travel on high tides if possible. The ramp to the ferry float is very steep at low tide.
Reservations are not needed for the parking lot or ferry.
Resident Parking
The Cousins Island (or Blanchard) parking lot is located near the ferry landing on Cousins Island. This lot is restricted to 165 cars and is reserved for year-round residents with parking permits. This is also where our barging ramp is located. The lot is located at the very end of Pogy Shore Way, Yarmouth, Maine.
Limited daily parking is allowed at the Cousins Island lot on a space available basis for a fee. No overnight parking is permitted except for permit holders. Vehicles parked for the day must be out of the lot by 5:30pm at the latest.
Space is limited on CTC’s shuttle buses, especially during peak travel times (holidays and summer weekends). A limited number of bicycles can be transported via shuttle bus. Passengers with large amounts of baggage or bulky gear (bikes, strollers, car seats, or other large items) are encouraged to drive to the Cousins Island Wharf (making sure to follow all local traffic ordinances before parking in the satellite lot) and deposit items there, returning to the satellite lot, parking their vehicle and riding on the bus to Cousins Island to catch the ferry.
A popular option for transporting freight to the island is to utilize Casco Bay Lines’ very convenient freight service.
Passengers may load baggage onto the bus upon arrival at the Route 1 lot, placing it either in the rear of the bus or in storage compartments beneath the vehicle. Space is limited.
Passengers are not permitted to use the rear door to load or unload freight.
In the interest of safety, effective March 1, 2017, the first CTC bus of the day (leaving at 6:15 AM from the Route One Lot) will be automatically canceled if school is canceled in Yarmouth due to weather conditions. Cancellations beyond the first trip will be posted on our homepage, Facebook page, and a notification will be sent to those people who signed up for the cancellation notice service.
The boat crew will begin boarding passengers approximately 10 minutes prior to our scheduled departure time. Passengers should make sure they have purchased tickets in advance and have their tickets out and ready for collection. Passengers who have ordered tickets should be ready to provide the name that the ticket order was placed with. At no time should a passenger board a vessel without being instructed to do so by the crew. Passengers departing from Chebeague may load their own freight. If they have large amounts of freight, they may load it on the float prior to boarding. In order to ensure a timely departure, passengers are encouraged to board the vessel at least five (5) minutes before departure time.
When departing from Cousins Island, passengers should carry freight to the float and return to the wharf prior to boat arrival. Freight should be placed away from the area where the boat will be docking so as not to interfere with the boat landing. Freight should not be placed on the float if it will interfere in any way with the crew or passengers disembarking from the ferry. The ferry will not land if passengers are on the float. Passengers arriving from Chebeague will disembark the boat upon arrival. Cousins Island passengers should make sure that the departure route is not obstructed with bags, animals, or people.
Passengers are asked to remain on the wharf until the boat crew has loaded freight and/or the Captain has indicated that it is safe to board the vessel. Passengers should make sure they have purchased tickets in advance (here) and have their tickets out and ready. Passengers who have ordered tickets should be ready to provide the name that the ticket order was placed with. At no time should a passenger board a vessel without being instructed to do so by the crew.
Passengers are asked to remain seated or holding on while the vessel docks. Passengers should not step off the vessel until the boat is securely tied to the float and the crew indicates that it is safe to disembark.
Fares will be collected by the deckhand as passengers are going onto the ramps to get on the ferry. Tickets must be purchased in anytime in advance here, or by calling our office at 207-846-3700 during normal business hours.
We strive for the safe transportation of all passengers to and from Chebeague. Weather conditions, tides, and other factors may affect the relative safety of boarding the ferry. At the Captain's sole discretion, boarding of a passenger or passengers may be denied in unsafe conditions or circumstances.
It is the policy of the Company to transport packages both on and off the island as a service and convenience to our customers. Customers requesting package transport by ferry or bus will be responsible for assuring proper packaging of the content and labeling for delivery, as well as making arrangements for delivery or pickup. All packages transported by the Company shall be carried at the customer's risk and the Company shall have no liability for lost or damage packages or their contents. Normal freight fees apply.
Animals should be leashed or in carrying cases. In respect for other customers, passengers are asked not to allow animals on the bus or vessel seats. Pets must be non-aggressive and under their owner’s control at all times. The bus driver and boat crew retain the right to deny transport of an animal that appears to be disruptive or a threat to other pets or passengers.
CTC reserves the right to refuse transportation to any person failing to abide by its rules and regulations or those of the United States Coast Guard pertaining to the safe and efficient operation of passenger vessels, as specified in the latest revision of the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). By law, captains are required to take action to enforce those regulations. CTC may refuse transportation to any person:
1. Whose behavior is potentially dangerous to him/herself, other passengers, children or the vessel
2. Whose behavior is grossly disruptive to other passengers
3. Who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs
4. Who is incapable of taking care of him/herself
5. Who fails to abide by smoking regulations
6. Who fails to abide by CTC rules and regulations or those of the United States Coast Guard pertaining to the safe and efficient operation of the vessels, or
7. Who engages in other serious or improper behaviorPossible actions in response to improper behavior as specified above include:
1. Verbal and written warning
2. Refusal of transportation services
3. Suspension of transportation services
4. Termination of transportation service privileges -
CTC has the authority to enforce student behavior rules in the same way a school bus driver can enforce discipline on a school bus. Deckhands and captains have the authority to inform students of proper behavior rules (including no smoking) and to warn them of possible disciplinary measures.
Smoking and consumption of alcohol is prohibited anywhere on all CTC vessels and vehicles at all times. No contraband substances are allowed aboard any CTC vessel or vehicle. Any person having contraband drugs while aboard will be reported to the United States Coast Guard.
Click here to see a list of freight we can and cannot transport. Please call our office with any questions.