Parking and Bus Information
Parking Details
Guest and Visitor Parking
Chebeague Island guests, visitors and seasonal residents park at CTC’s satellite lot just off Route 1 in the Town of Cumberland (use 1 Thomas Drive, Cumberland Foreside, Maine for your gps… our parking lot is directly across Route One from there!). There is a daily fee for parking - please check out our parking fee schedule. From there, passengers travel by shuttle bus to the CTC dock located on Cousin’s Island. Bus departure times are posted on the schedule. The bus leaves the Cumberland parking lot 30 minutes before the ferry arrives at Cousin’s Island. It is a 15-minute trip.
Passengers needing accommodations because of physical disabilities should call the CTC office, 1-207-846-3700, during regular business hours at least 24 hours in advance of travel.
Passengers who need assistance boarding the ferry should consider the tides on the dates of travel and travel on high tides if possible. The ramp to the ferry float is very steep at low tide.
Reservations are not needed for the parking lot or ferry.
Cars parked without a daily parking pass or annual parking permit on their dashboard will be towed!
If your car is towed, call Atlantic Coast Towing at (207) 725-7763. The owner of the vehicle will be responsible for towing fees of at least $300.
Resident Parking
The Cousins Island (or Blanchard) parking lot is located near the ferry landing on Cousins Island. This lot is restricted to 165 cars and is reserved for year-round residents with parking permits. This is also where our barging ramp is located. The lot is located at the very end of Pogy Shore Way, Yarmouth, Maine.
Limited daily parking is allowed at the Cousins Island lot on a space available basis for a fee. No overnight parking is permitted except for permit holders. Vehicles parked for the day must be out of the lot by 5:30pm at the latest.